Fastweb and Iliad have reached a agreement which will allow the former to reach a greater number of housing units with the FTTH connectivity. Under the agreement, Fastweb will supply Iliad - which has arrived on the Italian market a couple of years ago - in wholesale mode ultra-wideband connectivity based on the Fiber-To-The-Home fiber optic network (FTTH) which carries the fiber up to the house. Wholesale Services are those services which consist in the resale of connection services to third parties.
For Iliad, a note explains, this is "an opportunity to enrich the portfolio of wholesale agreements for fiber coverage and consolidate its presence in the FTTH connectivity market in Italy". By adding the service offered by Fastweb to those already activated, Iliad will achieve total coverage of over 10 million housing units by early 2023.
Fastweb in turn adds a customer to its wholesale portfolio, confirming the wholesale access segment as one of the fastest growing markets. The FTTH fiber optic ultrabroadband network that Fastweb makes available to other operators in wholesale mode will cover more than that 14,5 million homes by 2025 throughout the national territory.
Iliad Fastweb agreement: the comments of Levi and Calcagno
“Our goal is to offer our users the best fiber connectivity service in increasingly large areas of the country. L'agreement with Fastweb it is an important step in this direction – he commented Benedict Levi, CEO Iliad – and we can only be very satisfied with it”.
Albert Calcagno, CEO Fastweb declared: “With this agreement Fastweb strengthens its strategy of presence in the wholesale ultrabroadband connectivity market. In addition to providing ultra-broadband services to households and businesses, we place our excellent infrastructure at the disposal of other operators to accelerate the diffusion of ultra-broadband services in all areas of the country. We are proud that Iliad, which recently launched its services in the fixed segment, has decided to rely on our network and our technological know-how".