
Sustainable welfare: the social partners at the Bruno Visentini Foundation seminar

SEMINAR OF THE BRUNO VISENTINI FOUNDATION – Confindustria, Cgil, Cisl and Uil. The social partners all together to discuss and make proposals aimed at the growth of the country. The works were opened by Alessandro Laterza, president of the Foundation, and Gustavo Visentini, scientific director.

Sustainable welfare: the social partners at the Bruno Visentini Foundation seminar

La Bruno Visentini Foundation today it brought together trade unions and businesses and put them around the same table to discuss the reformability of welfare. The occasion was the seminar "Sustainable welfare - The programs of the social partners", organized by the Foundation, which was held today at the Luiss Guido Carli University of Rome.

The meeting focused on two topics for discussion: labor market and industrial relations. Alessandro Laterza, president of the Foundation, and Gustavo Visentini, scientific director, opened the works. Then Carla Taibi's research paper "Comparing the positions expressed by the social partners" was presented and finally the representatives of the social partners intervened: Pierangelo Albini (work and welfare director Confindustria), Elena Lattuada (confederal secretary CGIL), Paolo Pirani (confederal secretary UIL) and Luigi Sbarra (confederal secretary CISL).

All the social partners have highlighted the deep economic crisis of our country and the need to promote policies aimed at growth as soon as possible. Among the proposals drawn up by the social partners, the following emerged in particular: the rationalization of expenses linked to politics and institutions, the payment of the debts of the Public Administration to companies and a more tenacious fight against tax evasion (which on the one hand would allow detaxation of work and lower incomes with a remodulation of the Irpef and the Imu and on the other hand it would favor investments for the tax reduction that weighs on companies). Then there was talk of increasing investments in research and development and enhancing those in education. The social partners then found themselves in agreement in highlighting that cuts in the cost of energy are necessary (which suffocates businesses) and that it is essential to provide for the energy supply itself in a more autonomous way, also through the development of the green economy.

Finally, with regard to welfare in the strict sense, the social partners have come forward stating that there is a need for greater inclusion in the working life of women, young people and immigrants. The Uil referred to the impoverishment of the population in the face not only of lower wages but also of the cuts made to pensions.

Attachments: Bruno Visentini Foundation
