
Ubi Banca's Welfare wins the Innovation Award

The "Award of Awards", now in its tenth edition, was presented by the President of the Senate, Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, to the President of the Management Board of Ubi, Letizia Moratti - The service that the bank (it was the first in Italy to do so) offers to over 400 companies in the area for the management of their corporate welfare.

Ubi Banca's Welfare wins the Innovation Award

The welfare of Ubi Banca has been recognized as National Innovation Award in 2018. The "Prize of Prizes", now in its tenth edition, has been delivered by the President of the Senate, Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellatito the Chairman of the Management Board of Ubi, Letizia Moratti, during a ceremony that took place in the Sala Koch of the Senate of the Republic in Rome. The merit of the victory goes to Ubi Welfare, the service that the bank – it was the first in Italy to do so – offers over 400 companies in the area for the management of their corporate welfare. The activity is part of the attention that Ubi has been dedicating to the third sector for years and is carried out by the Wealth & Welfare division, following three main lines: the consultative approach towards companies that want to offer concrete answers to the growing demand for prevention, treatment , assistance, education and free time for their employees; the valorisation of the territory as a constitutive element of a proximity network; subsidiarity which, precisely thanks to a territorial, inclusive and value-generating welfare system, allows for the creation of a real welfare network for all workers.

The motivation for the prestigious award was this: “Ubi Banca has proposed an innovative tool that offers business customers complete assistance throughout the process of designing and implementing welfare plans for their employees; a complete and flexible service, through a totally customizable “end to end” solution”. “Today, sustainable and non-fragmented growth – he commented Letizia Moratti Chairman of the Management Board of Ubi Banca - of companies also passes from the recognition of their profound social role, as key players for the development of the territory and cocommunity in which they are located. Stccording to our daily observatory, corporate welfare improves company productivity and strengthens relationships with collaborators, creating the conditions for a serene and full expression of the person in his work. Our bank was the first to offer a corporate welfare service on the market and we believe that this innovative vision stems precisely from its strong territorial connotation.rial, with a strong focus onThe entrepreneurial fabric of the country, from the need to simplify the life of entrepreneurs, employees as well as theand families and communities". 

"Particular attention – added Letizia Moratti – should be given to welfare activities aimed at training employees and the new generations: education and skills are two levers essential for the growth of country and business". The larger goal of Ubi is in fact to contribute to the development of a real “welfare ecosystem”, a proximity network capable of responding to the new needs of businesses, people and territories, combining profit and social utilityprotection and welfare network for the entire community. The offer is also highly personalized: it includes personal services and education for children and family members, with a network of over 600 services spread nationwide; access to a network of more than 1.200 health facilities at favorable conditions; services in the fields of well-being, culture and leisure, as well as the possibility of using numerous brands active in all sectors of large-scale distribution, with coverage of approximately 15.000 outlets throughout Italy; it also includes supplementary pensions, availability of on-demand welfare vouchers and reimbursement management of expenses incurred

“Ubi Welfare is aimed at all companies of all sizes - he explainedRossella Leidi, Deputy General Manager and Chief Wealth & Welfare Officer of UBI Banca – thanks to solutions ad hoc studied for each reality, to partnerships with business and category associationsoria and a dedicated network of sspecialists spread throughout the territory. We support the entrepreneur in communicating welfare to workers and in tax and labor law assistance and we provide the individual worker with a IT platform that is easy to use and always available, to choose the welfare goods and services of one's interest, minimizing the operational obligations for the company”. The "Prize of Prizes" was established in 2008 by decree of the President of the Council of Ministers, with the concession of the President of the Republic at the COTEC Foundation, to celebrate the National Innovation Day. It is the third time that Ubi Banca has won it: in the edition of the 2015 il prize was assigned to the Ubi service Pay and, in 2013, to the Stocial Bond Ubi Community. 
