
San Raffaele fires 244 employees

The San Raffaele hospital, which for a few months has passed into the hands of Giuseppe Rotelli, patron of the San Donato group, specifies that "an attempt has been made to contain as much as possible the reduction in personnel which, initially foreseen at 450 units, was limited to 244 units ”.

San Raffaele fires 244 employees

The San Raffaele has started a collective dismissal procedure involving 244 employees. This was announced in a note from the hospital group.

The San Raffaele hospital, which for a few months has passed into the hands of Giuseppe Rotelli, patron of the San Donato group, specifies that "an attempt has been made to contain as much as possible the reduction in personnel which, initially foreseen at 450 units, was limited to 244 units ”.

"This result - comments the company - was made possible thanks to the administration's commitment to intensify and further extend the capillary and energetic rationalization and efficiency improvement actions promptly undertaken starting from 11 May 2012".

Finally, "the reduction of staff, carried out in strict compliance with the accreditation requirements established by current legislation, does not affect and will not affect the quality of services and services in any way, even as it does not concern professional nurses, health technicians, doctors and researchers".

The start of the procedure for the dismissal of 244 employees "was necessary due to the continuation of a huge loss, which is of a structural nature, and which cannot be eliminated without a reduction in personnel costs". This was stated by the hospital in a note, regarding the staff cut.
