
Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan will fold as soon as the nuclear crisis is resolved

According to public opinion, the prime minister has not demonstrated that he possesses the necessary leadership skills. For the moment, the hypothesis of a no-confidence vote has been thwarted.

Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan will fold as soon as the nuclear crisis is resolved

Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan has announced that as soon as the crisis triggered by the March 11 earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disaster is under control he will resign. According to public opinion, the political leader would not have been able to demonstrate leadership and would not have succeeded in inspiring the civilian population in one of the most difficult moments of the post-war period. Kan's impending resignation confirms that Japan is not only in the midst of a prolonged phase of economic stagnation, but also of very strong political instability. When he became prime minister in 2009, Kan found himself only the fifth leader in five years to attempt to lead Asia's second-largest economy. Paradoxically, however, at least in the very short term, Kan's choice should contribute, even if minimally, to the country's political stability. The announcement of his resignation "to follow" also has the aim of avoiding a vote of no confidence that could have put an end to his premiership right now.
