
Prime Minister Renzi convenes the unions for Tuesday but warns: "They too must change"

As promised to the Democratic Party leadership, Prime Minister Renzi will meet the unions for the first time on Tuesday with whom he will discuss the reform of the labor market but also the three points on which he intends to press them: law on representation, minimum wage, company bargaining - "The unions they have to change because 54% of their members are retired”

Said and done. As promised to the Democratic Party leadership last Monday, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has opened up to the unions by summoning them for the first time in the Sala Verde of Palazzo Chigi for next Tuesday.

Renzi to discuss labor reform with the leaders of CGIL, CISL and UIL - from article 18 to overcoming precariousness, from the new social safety nets to severance pay in payroll - but above all he will press them on three points: the law on representation, bargaining company and the minimum wage.

"Even the unions - said Renzi - must change because their members are 54% retired and we need to understand why a 35-year-old young man does not feel the need to join and why their members have often voted for the League".

"Six years ago unemployment in Italy was 7% and today it is 12,3%": there is enough to reflect and to agree that the rules of the labor market must change due to greater flexibility in entry and output.
