
Prime Minister Mario Monti suspends himself from the office of president of Bocconi University

The new premier had presided over the prestigious Milanese university since 1994, succeeding Giovanni Spadolini. For the entire duration of his government mandate, his functions will be assumed by the vice president, Luigi Guatri. The only precedent was precisely that of Spadolini, who suspended himself in 1979 when he was a minister in the Andreotti government.

Prime Minister Mario Monti suspends himself from the office of president of Bocconi University

The new Prime Minister Mario Monti has suspended himself from the office of President of the Bocconi University of Milanfor the entire duration of his government mandate.

Monti presided over the prestigious Milanese university since 1994, and now his functions will be assumed by the vice president, prof. Louis Guatri.

In the history of Bocconi the only case of suspension from the functions of president dates back to the brief period in which Senator Giovanni Spadolini (president of Bocconi from 1976 to 1994) had assumed the position of minister of public education in the Andreotti V government (from 20 March 1979 to 3 August 1979).

Senator Spadolini, on the other hand, had continued to exercise the functions of President of Bocconi both during the two governments presided over by him (Spadolini I from 28 June 1981 to 22 August 1982; Spadolini II from 23 August 82 to 30 November 82) and in the role of President of the Senate (from 24 April 1992 to 14 April 1994). Senator Spadolini was appointed senator for life on 1 May 1991.

Professor Mario Monti, also at his request, was also suspended from the functions of director of the Javotte Bocconi Manca di Villahermosa Institute - Bocconi Friends Association for the duration of his office as President of the Council of Ministers.
