
Oil weighs on the Stock Exchange, Saipem falls

All the negative European lists at mid-day – In Piazza Affari the share of the plant engineering company is at its lowest since August 2004 after Eni renounced the sale – FCA is also bad, which today communicated the total funding of the double placement to Wall Street – Only Finmeccanica is saved in Piazza Affari after the F35 order from Alenia.

Oil weighs on the Stock Exchange, Saipem falls

The barrel of oil rolls over and the price lists of the consuming countries are also affected. The week is drawing to a close with widespread losses for the European stock exchanges. TO Milano the Ftse Mib index fell by 1,36%, to 18.940 points. They do even worse Paris (-1,59%) And London (-1,55%). They drop as well Madrid (-1,31%) And Frankfurt (-1,27%).

Crude oil still falls, with the future of WTi it trades at 59,3 dollars a barrel. This reduces the profits of Big Oil, as well as investments and to the detriment of service providers. Eni lose 1,7%, Tenaris -4% and Saipem -5%, the lowest since August 2004. Given the situation, the six-legged dog withdrew from the sale of the oil equipment company. A capital increase therefore seems inevitable.

Fiat Chrysler lose 1%. The company announced this morning that, between the placement of 100 million shares at $11 and the issuance of the convertible bond, raised $3,89 billion. In fact, the placing banks exercised the option reserved for them on the shares (13 million) and on a further tranche of the convertible (375 million). For Equita, also considering the sale of Ferrari shares, 4,5 billion euros will enter FCA (against the initial forecast of 4 billion).

StM -1% Pirelli -1,6%. In evidence Finmeccanica (+1,4%) after that the Pentagon has chosen the Alenia factory in Cameri for maintenance (engines excluded) of all F35s operating in Europe since 2018. 
