
The Minister of Economic Development Corrado Passera: "The country's social stability is at risk"

“The social and widespread unease linked to the lack of work in Italy is wider than what the statistics say”: the alarm on the state of the crisis is sounded by the Minister of Economic Development Corrado Passera, who also speaks out against the EU: “ He did too little."

The Minister of Economic Development Corrado Passera: "The country's social stability is at risk"

This time the crisis alarm was raised directly by the Minister of Economic Development, Corrado Passera: “The country's social stability is at risk”, said the former CEO of Banca Intesa-Sanpaolo on the sidelines of a meeting of Rete Imprese Italia.

"The social and widespread unease linked to the lack of work in Italy - continued Passera - is wider than what the statistics say. The economic and social stability of the country is at risk". And, according to the minister, this is the fault of past management and the shortcomings of the EU. "We are downstream of 10 years of things not done, hence the sense of anguish and responsibility that we feel inside to make up for some delays".

As far as the European Union is concerned, Corrado Passera gave a stick for how the crisis has been dealt with so far. “The EU has not played its part adequately in recent months, has not been able to guarantee itself, but now it must demonstrate that it knows how to guarantee itself and also the weakest – explained the owner of Economic Development -: it must stop talking about growth and do something with investments, distinguishing what is expenditure and what is investment".
