
The Mes splits the Government: Renzi and Zinga for the Yes, M5S for the No

To use or not to use the 36 billion that the new Mes makes available to Italy to face - without conditions - the health emergency? The whole reformist wing of the government - from Renzi to Zingaretti with Prodi's blessing - says yes but the Five Stars oppose them, wrong-footing the ambiguous Conte on the eve of the European Council

The Mes splits the Government: Renzi and Zinga for the Yes, M5S for the No

To use or not to use i 36 billion euros that the new Mes, the Salva-Stati Fund, makes available to Italy without conditions if not to allocate them to direct or indirect expenses for the fight against the Coronavirus? A few days before the European Council of Heads of State and Government which must pronounce itself on the compromise reached last week, the government majority sensationally splits and strips both the ambiguity of Prime Minister Conte is the conceptual inconsistency of the ideological prejudices of the Five Stars.

With the blessing of the former President of the European Commission and former Prime Minister, Romano Prodi ("The Mes is no longer conditional, I no longer understand my country: I would be about to use it"), the whole reformist wing of the Government - first with the leader of Italia Viva, Matteo Renzi, and then also with the secretary of the Democratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti, in line with the Minister of Economy, Roberto Gualtieri – takes sides unequivocally in favor of the Mes and the use of those 36 billion that would be so convenient for Italy on the eve of the worst recession since the Great Depression of the XNUMXs.

Quite the opposite is the orientation of the Five Stars and of the Foreign Minister, Luigi Di Maio, which despite the absence of conditions, they stubbornly continue to say of no to Mes, pretending that the first and latest version of the Fund are the same thing.

Now it will be interesting to see what somersaults the premier will have to do Giuseppe Conte in view of the European Council and in the face of the clear split in the majority. So far he has chased the grillini, saying he is against the Mes, but, if he does not want to send the Government into crisis in the midst of the health emergency, sooner or later he will have to recognize the reality and that is that the new Mes is not the one that the Berlusconi government launched in 2010 and does not imply any stringent conditions for those who use it and least of all the arrival of the terrible Troika. The replica of the humiliation inflicted by him on Greece is not on the agenda and sooner or later the truth will take charge of denying both the lies of the grillini and the ambiguities of the ineffable Conte.
