
The personal income tax decree is law, the Chamber approves

Among the main novelties of the decree, the bonus of 80 euros, the postponement of the Tasi in the Municipalities in delay with the rates – The cut of 150 million euros is confirmed for Rai.

The personal income tax decree is law, the Chamber approves

The personal income tax decree is law. The Chamber of Deputies definitively approved the measure today with 322 votes in favour, 149 against and eight abstentions.

Among the main novelties of the decree, the bonus of 80 euros (already disbursed in the May payroll) intended for employees with an income of less than 26 thousand euros. 

For Rai, the cut of 150 million euros is confirmed, but public television is excluded from the reductions in operating costs envisaged in the decree for State subsidiaries. 

The provision also included the postponement to 16 October of the payment of the Tasi advance for the Municipalities in delay with the resolutions of the rates.

Finally, the reduction of Irap by 10% in 2015 has been ordered, with a progressive phase foreseen in 2014. From this year, the Irap rate for companies will be reduced from 3,9% to 3,5%, but a down payment at a rate of 3,75%.
