
The Decree of Fare collects the trust of the Chamber

The decree of doing collects the trust in the Chamber with 427 yes and 167 no: SEL, Movimento 5 Stelle, Lega Nord and Fratelli d'Italia voted against.

The Decree of Fare collects the trust of the Chamber

The decree of doing collects the trust in the Chamber with 427 yes and 167 no. Sel, Movimento 5 Stelle, Lega Nord and Fratelli d'Italia voted against. And they confirm the choice of obstructionism, presenting 251 agendas (about 200 of the M5S alone) which must be discussed after the trust and before the final vote. The fear of the government is that, due to the obstructionism announced by the grillini, the debate will require several hours. Which suggests a river session of the Chamber.

The provision contains various measures aimed at supporting the flow of credit to businesses, simplifying bureaucracy and shortening the duration of civil proceedings.
