
The climate after Greta: the moves of Italy and the EU - VIDEO

In this editorial video, Gianfranco Borghini talks about which direction the policies of the new European Commission and the "Green New Deal" of the Conte 2 government should take in order not to betray the requests of the young people of "Fridays For Future"

The climate after Greta: the moves of Italy and the EU - VIDEO

The big ones demonstrations against climate change organized all over the world by “Fridays For Future”, a movement born from the activism of the XNUMX-year-old Swedish girl Greta Thunberg, “are certainly a positive fact, because they mark a awareness on a global level of environmental problems, and therefore of the need for active policies that reduce the environmental impact”. Gianfranco Borghini, former Pd parliamentarian and industry and energy expert, says it in the latest editorial video published on FIRSTonline YouTube channel.

"However, this awareness must be transformed, especially in the new generations, in knowledge – continues Borghini – that is, in exact awareness of the dimensions of the problems and the possibilities of solving them”.

A great contribution in this direction can and must be made by the new one European Commission driven by Ursula Von Der Leyen. According to Borghini, Brussels “will have to indicate some realistic decarbonisation goals, to achieve which they will be needed large public investments in several sectors: saving and energy efficiency in public buildings, upgrading the transport system and new fuels. We must focus above all on the energy diversification, which means using all those sources that can accompany us towards an energy that impacts less on the environment”.

As for the ambitious “Green New Deal” announced by the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, Already in the keynote address of his second term, Borghini believes that it makes sense "only if it contains at least three elements". And that is:

  1. A very strong investment in efficiency of all systems and public apparatuses, therefore "a plan to make schools and all public buildings safe and to encourage energy efficiency in the building sector".
  2. Incentive for all those “technologies which in the productive system they encourage the reduction of the consumption of land, water and materials first in general".
  3. Finally, Borghini stresses that the "Green New Deal" will have to focus especially in the service sector, which of all is the one that requires "the most relevant transformation, being the most backward and the most dangerous in ecological terms".

Read also:
"There are two Green Economy: one progressive but the other not"
