
Tomorrow's food: stories of ten virtuous companies

The book by Guia Beatrice Pirotti, professor at SDA Bocconi, is out, published by Egea, which poses questions to which 10 agro-food companies answer: how to put together products and services related to food? What managerial choices can affect a path in which the consumer more and more often has her say?

One factor stands out as fundamental in designing the future of the world of food: that of service. Companies, especially those that produce, are realizing how important it is to combine a quality product with equally excellent service. The product and the service together can form an offer package of great added value for the consumer. The consumer, in turn, is not just watching what food & beverage companies do. More and more he wants to say something about him, express an opinion, be involved already in the product conception phase.

Food is interpreted and experienced by consumers and businesses in the round, it is part of everyday life, it is no longer simply linked to functional consumption - the need to feed oneself - but it also and above all becomes a hedonic good, a consumption that makes entertain, able to aggregate people. If food is no longer consumed for the mere need to eat, in fact, it becomes essential that it is able to resolve needs of various kinds (practicality, leisure, pleasure).

The service facilitates all of this: it solves problems, informs, offers experiences. So how do we move along the path of service? How can products and services related to food be brought together? What managerial choices can facilitate this process?

Guide Beatrice Pirotti in Tomorrow's Food (Egea 2018-series SDA Leading Management -; 176 pages; 24 euro) has the intention of answering these questions and systematizing the trends that will lead us towards the food of tomorrow, giving companies the tools, on the one hand, to anticipate and better understand the needs of consumers and consumers, on the other , the elements to participate closely in this fascinating world of food & beverage.

The road to service is told through ten virtuous stories of food & beverage companies that have been able to best interpret this path and are working hard to give a voice to the future and meet the needs of consumers. The companies whose stories are told in the book, in alphabetical order, are: Balocco, Bonduelle, Caffè Vergnano, Callipo, Fonti di Vinadio, La Molisana, Morato Pane, Mutti, Parmareggio, Ponti.

Guide Beatrice Pirotti he is Associate Professor of Practice of Strategy and Food Management at SDA Bocconi School of Management and professor of Business Strategy at Bocconi University. You are coordinator of the Master of Management in Food & Beverage and Editor The Case Center for SDA Bocconi. PhD in Business Administration and Management at Bocconi University. His research interests concern the competitive strategies of the food & beverage sectors, organizational resilience, servitorisation and strategic planning. She has already authored the volume Resilience: seven principles for sound and prudent business management (with Markus Venzin, in this same series, 2014).
