
The calendar of liberalisations: from petrol to the Snam-Eni spin-off

Only some of the interventions launched by the Monti government with Friday's decree will already enter into force tomorrow, at the time of publication of the decree law in the Official Gazette - For all the others, it will be necessary to wait months, if not even years - The interventions on petrol, tariffs and pharmacies.

The calendar of liberalisations: from petrol to the Snam-Eni spin-off

Il decree on liberalization it became a reality a few days ago and now the ball is in Parliament's hands. The new challenge for the government is to ensure that deputies and senators transform the text into law without upsetting its structure. Indeed, Prime Minister Mario Monti has already said that to avoid changes to the package of measures, yet another recourse to trust is "not excluded". In short, the Executive finds itself facing a new political obstacle, but even after overcoming it, there will still be a long way to go. The journey that will lead to the full implementation of all the measures contained in the decree has just begun and in many cases it will be essential to arm yourself with patience. Only some of the changes will come into effect tomorrow, at the time of publication of the legislative decree in the Official Gazette. For all the others it will be necessary to wait months, if not even years. And the schedule is busy. Let's see it.


– PROFESSIONAL RATES. It provides for the repeal of "all professional rates, both minimum and maximum" and the introduction of the mandatory estimate. The Government provides that the table with which the number and residence of notaries is determined be immediately increased by 500 seats.

– SRL YOUTH WITH ONE EURO. The creation of a type of company called simplified with limited liability for young people up to 35 years with capital of 1 euro and simplified procedures is favoured.

– PETROL AND FUEL. Managers who are also owners of the plant will be able to purchase the brand of fuel they prefer. Furthermore, it will be possible to open new self-service plants, but only outside inhabited centres. Petrol stations will also be able to sell other products, such as newspapers and tobacconists.

– AUTO TPL INSURANCE. Discounts for those who agree to install a black box on their vehicle, the installation of which is the responsibility of the companies. As far as insurance agents are concerned, before taking out any policy they will have to inform customers about the contractual conditions practiced by other companies.

 – PHARMACIES. It will be possible to extend the opening hours and offer discounts on practically everything.

– DOCTORS. The obligation to specify the equivalent generic drug in the prescription is also on the way.

– CLASS ACTION. The new procedure for simplified class actions also begins immediately. 



– BANKS, BASIC CURRENT ACCOUNT. The basic current account is coming, with an ATM and less costs. To know more, click here.  



– LAW, THE COMPANY COURT IS BORN. The new sections – born from the conversion of other sections already present in some courts – will deal with disputes on industrial property, unfair competition, copyright, class action and lawsuits between partners.



– PHARMACIES ON THE RISE. The aim is to open 5 new pharmacies with a single extraordinary competition, to reach one for every 3 inhabitants. The Regions which fail to approve within 120 days of the entry into force of the law converting the decree the staff plan necessary for the opening of new pharmacies and who do not ban the extraordinary competitions for the coverage of the new offices in the following 30 days, will be commissioned .



– TRANSPORT AUTHORITY. It will have to define the rules for the new motorway concessions and will evaluate the possible demerger of Rfi from FS, as well as establish any increases for taxi licenses.  



– BANKS, REDUCTION OF COMMISSIONS. Institutions will have to guarantee the reduction of interchange fees payable by merchants for transactions made with cards.



– ENOUGH CONSTRAINTS FOR STARTING ENTERPRISES. "The rules that provide for numerical limits, authorisations, licenses, clearances or preventive deeds of assent from the Public Administration for the start-up of an economic activity" are abolished.



– SEPARATION OF SNAM SPA FROM ENI. All of Snam Spa (which in addition to Snam rete gas also includes Stogit, Italgas and Gnl Italia) will be separated from Eni.

– AUTO TPL INSURANCE, NO PAPER MARKS. To combat the phenomenon of forgery, the total abolition of paper marks for motor liability insurance is envisaged, which will be replaced by electronic or telematic systems.
