
ICT: 900 job vacancies due to lack of skills

The ICT sector is facing, in Europe and even more so in Italy, an ever-increasing shortage of professional profiles, with numerous open positions remaining vacant due to a lack of ideal candidates – According to the EU, there are currently 900 jobs unemployed due to lack of digital skills.

ICT: 900 job vacancies due to lack of skills

In Europe in the ICT sector there is a growing shortage of professional profiles. It is expected that the open positions will be 500.000 in 2015. There will be 2020 to over 730.000 million job vacancies in 1,3, depending on possible economic scenarios. Nonetheless, according to recent research by Modis, 22% of open positions do not find candidates. More than half of the new recruits are residents of the North and less than 20% are women. In the rest of Europe things are not much better, apart from cases in the opposite direction such as Belgium. Not only that: the trend is that of a decline in students enrolled in technological faculties.

To cite other research institutes, Idc estimates that by 2015 a good level of digital skills will be required for almost all management positions, while the European Commission estimates that there are currently 900 jobs that are not filled due to a lack of digital skills.

The situation of the Italian school portrayed by the OECD also weighs on our country: six computers for every 100 students compared to a European average of 16, putting Italy ahead only of Romania and Greece. The percentage of students enrolled in schools equipped with high-level technological equipment and with a broadband internet connection is 6% compared to a European average of 37%. In the vast majority of cases, Italian schools are not digital ready.

An important conference will be held on 30 October in Rome in the final event of the European campaign eSkills for Jobs 2014 – Making a career with Digital Technologies
