
The Rolling Stones conquer Cuba

A free concert scheduled for Saturday in the Cuban capital – No one better than the Rolling Stones could have inaugurated the political, social and cultural turning point represented by peace between Cuba and the United States.

The Rolling Stones conquer Cuba

There are just over 24 hours left before a historic date that many Cubans have been waiting for. Because the peace found with the United States does not imply a turning point only from a political point of view, but also and above all from a historical, cultural and social point of view. And who better than them could have taken charge of telling this story, who could have inaugurated it better than one of the most important rock groups on the world scene of the last 50 years.

The Rolling Stones land in Cuba where a free mega-concert is scheduled for today at the "Ciudad Deportiva" that Havana will not soon forget.

Much more than a show, much more than a concert, but the symbolic launch of a new cultural future for a country that has been isolated for too long.

“In Cuba we didn't get to hear Michael Jackson or Whitney Houston, while Freddie Mercury died without having played on the island. – says blogger yoani Sanchez – And when the Beatles disbanded, listening to music in English was considered 'ideological deviationism'”. Music heard by the "Yankees" was banned. But now the Cubans will be able to make up for lost time, starting over exactly with those who have contributed to making world rock great: the Rolling Stones, the only ones capable of truly holding up the historic significance of the Event.

Because the breakthroughs, changes and progress also pass through the music that accompanies them, narrates and celebrates them. And no one does it better than Mick Jagger.
