
The countries where there are more prohibitions when in public are all in Asia.

Kissing, singing, loud talking… Pakistan, Malaysia and India are the countries where we conform the most to social norms about what is good and what not to do when around others. Ukraine, Estonia and Hungary are at the other extreme

The countries where there are more prohibitions when in public are all in Asia.

Still on the subject of rankings (the hit parades never go out of fashion) an unusual one has appeared in Science magazine. Countries have been classified according to what the authors call the tightness of society: this is the degree to which citizens conform, to a more or less strict extent, to social norms: for example, talking loudly voice in libraries, kissing in restaurants, singing in public… According to this lens, which was used to look at 33 countries, the five “narrowest” societies are all in Asia: Pakistan, Malaysia, India, Singapore and South Korea. “large” are Ukraine, Estonia and Hungary. Italy - the virtue lies in the middle - is in the middle of the table: marginally "narrower" - and it is a surprise - than Germany and France.
