
The very young? They inform themselves on Facebook but do not buy online

This is what emerges from a research conducted by AstraRicerche on behalf of Bnp Paribas Cardif, the insurance company of the Bnp group: "Generation Z (14-24 years) represents the target of the future: the virtual world is normal, but it does not replace traditional values” – The picture tells of a generation obsessed with smartphones but who believe in the family.

The very young? They inform themselves on Facebook but do not buy online

Today's teenagers? They buy in physical stores, are not interested in mobility sharing and still see their role models in their parents, despite the temptations of the web. But at the same time Generation Z (those born between 1995 and 2005, in the case examined the range between 14 and 24 years of age), the one who believes in traditional values ​​such as the family, in new ones such as the environment, and who uses Facebook less and less (to the advantage of Instagram and Whatsapp), is also the one who largely respects the clichés of an ultra-digital generation (tech overdriven) and therefore for 93% the smartphone is the most used device, 42% have already been the victim or witness of episodes of cyberbullying (especially in relation to physical appearance but also based on the origin and religious or sexual orientation), 51% obtain information via social networks (first source chosen).

This is the surprising and partly contradictory picture that emerged from the research conducted by AstraRicerche on behalf of Bnp Paribas Cardif, the insurance company (in the top ten in Italy according to the Ania ranking) of the Italian-French banking group, which aims to understand customer behavior of the future. Or already in the present, given that two thirds of the interviewees (more than a thousand in all of Italy, research conducted in March 2019) already have at least one policy, taken out by their parents or even by themselves. “After Millennials and over 65 – he explained Isabella Fumagalli, Head of Territory for Insurance in Italy of Bnp Paribas Cardif – we were interested in understanding Generation Z who represent the target of the future. We found ourselves in front of very young concrete digital natives with clear ideas, where the 'virtual' world is a normality which, however, does not replace traditional values. Our challenge as insurers will be to offer them new products and models, in a digital logic".


Although 14% of 24- to 65-year-olds still choose to physically go out with friends, giving a signal of partial openness to the so-called "real world", there is also 26% who said they have friends exclusively virtual: i.e. not only having met people online, but also having "attended" them exclusively via chat or other web channels. In one case out of four, therefore, even a fundamental and still recognized value such as friendship is practiced in a totally virtual way. Generation Z also confirms itself as the generation of TV series: a phenomenon that does not only concern the very young, but 74% indicate it as a passion, behind only 78% of music and in front of going out with friends (65%), reading books (a surprising 45%) , exhibitions and theaters (22%).

The viewing of videos and even more of photos is also the new communicative paradigm of the very young: this is why today only 72% use Facebook and less actively (many say they enter it little and limit themselves to giving "likes"), to the advantage of Instagram (82%) and WhatsApp (89%). 60% of the interviewees explicitly stated that they communicate via photo, compared with only 26% via text. However, the removal from some social networks and in any case the new way of using them does not mean that they are given less importance, on the contrary: a worrying 51% say they get information on Facebook and the like, a much higher percentage than that of sites, newspapers, and also of TV, which however resists with 45% of the preferences. Today's very young are therefore sensitive to some issues (66% practice separate waste collection and 60% are attentive to waste of all kinds) but are also very exposed to fake news.


Among the merits of Gen Z there is certainly that of being very active, even if we do not lose some old habits that are not exactly edifying: if in fact 91% declare that they study or work (but almost one in ten does neither nor the other thing…), in 93% of cases the children still live with their parents. Only 7% say they live alone (and almost all for study reasons, therefore not even independently), and above all – another typically Italian cliché – 51% dream of a permanent job, perhaps abroad (43% of cases), while only 18% imagine precarious in the future. The propensity to stay at home also has a positive side in the bond with the family, a traditional value that is in first place even among the very young. The family is the first priority indicated with 56%, ahead of love, health, friendship, work (31%), school (26%) and fame (only 6%). Among the possible reference models, Italian boys between 14 and 24 still choose their parents (55%), far ahead of show business personalities (who in any case inspire 35%), sportsmen (30%) and internet influencers, still accredited by 23%.


It is in terms of consumption and mobility that Gen Z is decidedly less innovative: 40% prefer to shop in physical stores, compared to 34% for online purchases. Not only that: young people get advice first of all from friends and relatives, and only 21% from online influencers. As far as mobility is concerned, only half of the interviewees travel by car, the same percentage of those who travel on foot, to which must be added a good 37% who choose public transport. So little private car, but also little interest in sharing mobility: 37% declared not only that they have never used shared cars, motorbikes or bicycles (also because these services do not exist in all cities), but also that they are not interested in doing so, even if the service were to be introduced in your city.
