
The infections go back and the Green Pass could change

Due to the Delta variant, the positivity rate returns above 1% - The government evaluates the possibility of granting the green pass only after the second dose and Figliuolo agrees with Macron: "Green pass for services". Booking boom in France

The infections go back and the Green Pass could change

I infections date back to 19 Italian regions: only Valle d'Aosta and the autonomous province of Trento are saved. Net of the typical drop on Sunday, with 888 new cases and 13 deaths, the positivity rate exceeded the 1% limit yesterday, settling at 1,2%.

And the prospects for the next few weeks are not the most optimistic, above all because measurements are expected throughout the continent the European effect. During the final on Sunday evening, Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO technical manager, raised the alarm via Twitter: “Should I enjoy watching the contagion unfold before my eyes? – She wrote – The #COVID19 pandemic is not catching a break tonight… #SARSCoV2 #DeltaVariant will take advantage of unvaccinated, crowded, maskless, yelling/shouting/singing people. Devastating".

In Italy there is great concern above all for the carousels and gatherings that have formed throughout the country after the victory of the Azzurri.

Faced with this scenario, the government has a number of decisions to make. First of all the state of emergencywhich expires at the end of July. The most likely solution is one extension for at least three months, until the end of October, and the reason is technical: even if at the moment the health situation is under control, with the conclusion of the state of emergency, the task of Commissioner Figliuolo would also cease to exist, who however, in the intentions of the executive , will have to manage the vaccination campaign until the end.

The second question concerns the green pass: to date, to obtain it it is sufficient to have the first dose inoculated, but the government could decide to change this rule and to grant it only after the second, with the aim of encouraging Italians to complete the vaccination cycle.

“As far as I'm concerned – Figliuolo said on television last night – especially to convince the last irreducible ones, I would use the green pass for access to services".

The commissioner therefore suggests that they imitate France, where just yesterday President Emmanuel Macron announced in an important address to the nation that, after the vote on a law, the green pass will become also mandatory to enter bars, restaurants, planes and trains. Not only that: the number one of the Elysée also announced that by 15 September all people who work in contact with fragile subjects are obliged to get vaccinated. Not only doctors and nurses, but also nursing home operators.  

“We will make those who are not vaccinated bear the weight of new restrictions – thunders Macron – From 21 July, only the vaccinated or people who have tested negative will be able to enter places of culture, for example cinemas and museums, which welcome more than 50 people . It is not yet a mandatory vaccination, but the importance of the health pass will be extended".

Emmanuel Macron's appeal met with approval. “There were 7 million connections in a few minutes and more than 900 French people made an appointment to get vaccinated. It is double the previous record which was set on May 11,” he said Stanislas Niox-Chateau, the managing director of Doctolib, the main French platform for bookings of anti Covid vaccines. 926 appointments were booked on Monday evening alone.

Updated at 13:28am Tuesday, July 13, 2021
