
Consumption picks up again: +3,6% in the third quarter

Growth is linked to the increase in household disposable income - At the same time, the propensity to save, which had grown significantly in the early stages of the pandemic, is declining

Consumption picks up again: +3,6% in the third quarter

i restart consumption of Italian families. According to theIstat, which today published a note of analysis on the quarterly accounts of the institutional sectors, in the third quarter of last year growth was 3,6%. The recovery was possible because, in parallel, the disposable income of consumer families (+1,8% compared to the previous quarter).

On the other hand, the trend of the propensity to save of households, which fell by 1,6% on a quarterly basis, to 11%. However, this is an expected dynamic, given that the precautionary savings of households had increased significantly due to the pandemic.

Istat also explains that, against a 0,6% increase in the implicit deflator of household final consumption, purchasing power grew by 1,2% compared to the previous quarter. "The sustained growth of final consumption - comments the Institute - has generated a decline in the propensity to save, which however remained at levels higher than those recorded before the crisis".
