
Honda-Yamaha: scooter alliance for the two historical rivals

The two manufacturers intend to evaluate the possibility of a joint project relating to a new model of scooter in order to reduce costs.

Honda-Yamaha: scooter alliance for the two historical rivals

The two historical enemies of two wheels could team up. Honda e Yamaha announced that they have “talks ahead of a possible alliance” in small-displacement scooters in Japan.

"With the multiplication of means of transport for short distances, including electric bicycles and minicars - reads a joint note -, the market for 50 cm3 scooters has decreased in recent years", thanks to the more stringent regulations level of safety and environment.

"In this situation, Honda and Yamaha have concluded that it becomes necessary to work together to face these challenges," the note continues.

On the production side, Yamaha, which currently assembles models of this type in Thailand to sell them in Japan, will entrust the manufacturing to Honda, a decision that will become effective at the end of 2018.

In terms of development, "the two manufacturers intend to evaluate the possibility of a joint project" relating to a new scooter model in order to reduce costs.

The two companies also want to collaborate in electric motorcycles. Sales of motorized two-wheelers in the Land of the Rising Sun have plummeted by around 80% since the 80s. The domestic market is dominated by Honda with a 43% share, ahead of Yamaha (27,2%) and Suzuki (12,1%).
