Il Higher Council of Public Works al Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport approved yesterday two projects from the total value of 4,5 billion euros di Italian Railway Network, leader of the Infrastructure Pole of the FS Group, intended to accelerate the development of theHigh-speed rail in the South.
The first project between Battipaglia and Romagnano
Il first project of technical-economic feasibility for which the Ministry led by Matteo Salvini has received the positive opinion of the Council regards the first 33 km of railway between Battipaglia and Romagnano of the Salerno-Reggio Calabria with a value of 2,7 billion euro financed with PNRR resources. Lot 1A Battipaglia-Romagnano, already the subject of public debate, will have beneficial effects on the mobility of the area and will create a connection between the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic coasts.
The second project between Fiumetorto and Catania
Il second project approved by the Superior Council of Public Works of MIT, concerns the Fiumetorto – Lercara branch of the Palermo-Catania line, the last functional lot worth 1,8 billion euro. The tenders will be published by the end of the year with the award by the end of May 2023 with the start of the subsequent executive design and then of the works starting from June 2023. Both projects are an integral part of the TEN-T network Corridor " Scandinavia – Mediterranean” linking Palermo to Helsinki.