The group Hera, a multi-utility for the environment, energy and water, confirms itself, for the fifth consecutive time, in Dow Jones Sustainability Index. As in past editions, and communicated by S&P, Hera has been included in both the European and global indexes. The composition of the Djsj, an international stock market index, includes listed companies with the highest performances in the Environmental, Social and Governance & Economics dimensions.
In particular, the multi-utility has reconfirmed itself – says a note from the company – “global leader in its reference sector for the fourth time in the last five years. A recognition that confirms both the results achieved and the complete and transparent sustainability reporting and the strategic approach of the group in pursuing the creation of shared value for all stakeholder“. This group strategy – the company continues – has also led to further elements during 2024 such as:
• The Good Work Pact which defines strategies and commitments on safety, inclusion, training and environmental sustainability
• The Climate Transition Plan to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050
• the launch of HeraPro for the sustainable development of the entire supply chain.