
Hera, the green bond enters a segment of Borsa Italiana

The second green bond issue of the Emilian multiutility has arrived on the segment dedicated to green and/or social bonds of ExtraMOT PRO.

Hera, the green bond enters a segment of Borsa Italiana

Borsa Italiana welcomed the new green bond of the Emilian multiutility Hera, on the segment dedicated to green and/or social bonds of ExtraMOT PRO. It's about the second green bond issue by Hera, a company specializing in the supply of energy, water and environmental services, on the Borsa Italiana markets. The issue has a face value of 500 million, repayable in 8 years with a coupon of 0,875% and a yield of 1,084%. The funds raised will be used to finance or refinance numerous projects, already carried out or envisaged in the Business Plan to 2022, which pursue one or more of the objectives of the UN 2030 Agenda in the fields of energy efficiency, circular economy and sustainable management of waste and infrastructure water.

The bond is included in the segment dedicated to green and/or social bonds of Borsa Italiana's ExtraMOT PRO to offer institutional and retail investors the possibility of identifying the instruments whose proceeds are used to finance projects with specific benefits or impacts of an environmental and/or social nature. With the new bond from Hera SpA, the list of bonds for sustainable development on the Borsa Italiana bond markets is enriched with a further corporate issue, reaching the number of 83 instruments listed since the birth of the segment.

“Green or ESG financial instruments – he commented Stefano Venier, CEO of Hera – they are a fundamental lever to support the Hera Group's commitment to achieving an increasingly regenerative and resilient business model, capable of achieving the objectives of the UN 2030 Agenda and responding to the many challenges we are facing, starting with climate change, which requires innovative solutions and long-term investments. The green bond we issued is strictly in this vein and with these aims".
