Hera Group: ESCo is born from the integration of ASE and HSE, a single large Energy Service Company

Hera Group

One big one is born Energy Service Company (ESCo) from the integration of AcegasApsAmga Energy Services (ASE) e Hera Energy Services (HSE). With 280 employees and about ten offices in the area, the new ESCo will be able "to provide its customers - mainly located in Emilia-Romagna, Marche, Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia - turnkey solutions and all technical services, commercial and financial necessary to carry out energy efficiency measures”, explains in a note the Hera Group.

ASE, born in 2018 by merging the experience and know-how of Amga Heat e Installations of Udine and Synergies of Padua, specializes in the provision of services to the Public Administration and condominiums, for which it deals with plant management and energy requalification, following tenders or specific energy saving projects developed through project financing.

HSE, born in 2014 following the merger between synergy di Forlì e Hera Energy di Bologna, specializes in the energy requalification of companies, businesses and production sites. It offers services such as energy audits for heat and electricity consumption, integrated planning for energy requalification and optimization interventions, turnkey interventions for the construction and management of plants, energy service contracts with guaranteed savings, financing of interventions with Hera Group agreements or through project financing. 

Both companies, also thanks to government incentives such as the Bonus 110, have grown over the years becoming the point of reference for the territories in which they operate.

ASE and HSE: some numbers

This year alone ASE and HSE, as far as Public Administrations are concerned, have managed over 30 proposals for Public Private Partnership35 power plants were built and managed for corporate customers and over a thousand condominiums were upgraded. In the last two years, ASE and HSE have increased active construction sites by 2000%, bringing numerous benefits to the communities: since 2020 energy efficiency works have been carried out for condominiums which have had an effect on 29 thousand families, saving them an average of 450 euros for energy consumption, for a total of 13 billion euros saved in a year. Without forgetting the environmental benefits of these interventions, equal to 19 thousand tons of Co2 per year not released into the atmosphere by the condominiums.

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