
Hera-Amga: green light for the merger, operation effective from XNUMXst July

The share capital of Hera after the merger will be equal to 1.489.538.745 euro, represented by 1.489.538.745 ordinary shares with a par value of one euro each.

Ivy becomes one with Amga. The deed of merger by incorporation was signed today by the two multiutilities. The agreement will become legally effective from XNUMX July. 

Starting from the same date, the Amga operations will be charged to Hera's financial statements and the tax effects of the merger will also take effect. 

Hera will issue 68.196.128 ordinary shares to service the merger (representing approximately 4,578% of the post-merger Hera share capital), with the same characteristics as the outstanding ordinary shares.

Therefore, the share capital of Hera after the merger will be equal to 1.489.538.745 euro, represented by 1.489.538.745 ordinary shares with a par value of one euro each.

At the beginning of the afternoon, Hera's share on the Stock Exchange lost 0,9%, at 2,13 euro.
