
Hera-Acegas: the go-ahead for the merger from the municipality of Bologna

The resolution received 19 votes in favor against 17 – Against Pdl, Lega, Movimento Cinque Stelle, Idv and Sel – In addition to the Democratic Party, a favorable vote from the centrist Aldrovandi, former CEO of Hera.

Hera-Acegas: the go-ahead for the merger from the municipality of Bologna

Yesterday, in Palazzo d'Accursio, the river meeting of the Bologna municipal council took place, which gave the green light for the merger between Hera and Acegas Aps. The text of the resolution received 19 votes in favor of 17. The Democratic Party voted solidly in favour, including the mayor Virgilio Merola, to which was also added Stefano Aldrovandi, group leader of the civic list and former CEO of Hera.
What made the session particularly complicated was the aversion of the Pdl, the League, the Five Star Movement, Idv and Sel, with whom an agreement had been sought until the end, and the more than 2.400 amendments presented by Michele Facci, of the Pdl.
