
Handelsblatt: ECB will also supervise smaller banks

Even savings banks and cooperatives could end up under the watchful eye of Frankfurt - The plan would therefore not respect the wishes of Chancellor Merkel, who wanted to limit control over the 25 major institutions - The German newspaper reports this, citing sources close to the European Commission .

Handelsblatt: ECB will also supervise smaller banks

If there must be a common vigilance, that applies to everyone. On 11 September, the European Commission will have to present the banking supervision project to the European Central Bank. And, as reported today by the German business daily Handelsblatt, the institute led by Mario Draghi could be entrusted with the supervision not only of the major banks in the euro area but also that of smaller institutions, such as savings banks and cooperative banks.

Hypothesis that clashes with the wishes of the German government of Angela Merkel, who also at the June summit said he wanted to limit the control of the ECB to the 25 largest banks, while he would accept the French president's request Francois Hollande, who instead favors supervision of “all banks”.
