
Guzzetti: savings and ethics for the development of the country

The president of Acri (Association of Foundations and Casse di Risparmio Spa), Giuseppe Guzzetti, spoke with a message at the annual award ceremony for the winners of the "Invent Savings" competition: "Savings are suffering, but it shouldn't scare : saving is also knowing how to spend well and knowing how to be ethical in your choices”.

Guzzetti: savings and ethics for the development of the country

The annual award ceremony for the winners of the competition took place today at 11 at the "I Portici" Theater in Fossano Invent the savings. The financial education initiative, now in its sixth edition, has gathered around it prominent representatives of the economic and banking world who, for one morning, have been alongside the young students.

The president of Acri – Association of Foundations and Savings Banks Spa, Giuseppe Guzzetti, from Rome sent his message to the young people present: “Let's not be frightened, don't be frightened. Even if saving is suffering, even if saving is difficult, it is nevertheless essential that you understand its truest meaning. Saving is also knowing how to spend well, it means giving value to what you have and using it to the fullest: it means being not only economical but ethical in your choices. Only by using this approach can we grow as savers, as citizens, as people who are part of a community and a country capable of pursuing authentic development".

Among others, Professor Beppe Ghisolfi, President of Cassa di Risparmio di Fossano and Dr. Antonio Miglio, President of the Cassa di Risparmio di Fossano Foundation and Vice President of ACRI took part. The initiative conceived in 2006 by Beppe Ghisolfi has already received the appreciation of the Undersecretary of the Prime Minister and preceded the indications that ABI gave in 2012 to Italian banks on financial education issues.

The financial education project for elementary, middle and high schools aims to spread the culture of savings among the younger generations. In agreement with school principals and teachers, Beppe Ghisolfi met the pupils of each class today for an hour, entertaining them on the most elementary topics of savings, using an informative publication, edited by the bank and given to the boys, which summarizes the history of savings and transmits to young students the first notions on the history of money, on the birth of the Euro and on the concept of wages.
