
Guidi: here are the Government's 5 priorities for industry

MINISTER GUIDI'S PROGRAM for industry presented today to Parliament (full text) – In line with the European Industrial Compact, the Government will focus on relaunching private investment, supporting access to credit, reducing energy costs, on internationalization and bureaucratic simplification.

Guidi: here are the Government's 5 priorities for industry

The economic cycle is improving and the government's objective is to create the conditions for growth. This is what the Minister of Economic Development, Federica Guidi, said today, illustrating to Parliament the Government's program for industry, the complete text of which is published in the attachment.

We will aim – argued the minister – to restore centrality to businesses and to favor a new industrial Renaissance in line with the indications of the European Union's Industrial compact, which aims to raise the contribution of industry to GDP to 20%.

In particular, the government has five priorities for industry: 1) relaunching private investment; 2) support for access to credit and capitalization of companies; 3) reduction of energy costs in a framework of sustainable development; 4) internationalization and attraction of foreign investments; 5) administrative and bureaucratic simplification.

Attachments: Hearing Minister Guidi.doc
