What is it and what is it for credit rating of businesses and states? Who processes it and why does it differ from the sustainability rating, i.e. from ESG ratings (an acronym for Environment, Social and Governance)? In summary, the rating is an assessment of the reliability and quality of the debt of a company or state which significantly influences the behavior of the financial markets and is developed by agencies of specialized ratings on which there is no shortage of shadows of possible conflicts of interest. Rating is a very complex and very interesting subject which professor will explain with great clarity on FIRSTonline tomorrow, January 27th. Alfonso Del Giudice, professor of corporate finance at the Catholic University of Milan, in the ninth episode of Guide to finance developed by Ref Searches with the collaboration of Allianz Bank Financial Advisors.
Professor Del Giudice's speech will be broadcast, like all the episodes of Guida alla Finanza that FIRSTonline publishes, in 16 languages.