
GSE, Moneta appointed CEO

The Energy Services Manager (GSE) finally has a summit: Vetrò president and Moneta ad

GSE, Moneta appointed CEO

The shareholders' meeting of the Energy Services Manager (GSE), held yesterday morning, unanimously approved the appointments of Avv. Francesco Vetrò to the office of President and Eng. Roberto Moneta in the role of Chief Executive Officer of the company. Dr. Laura Bajardelli was also appointed as a director.

“We are very satisfied with the choice – declares the Hon. Davide Crippa, Undersecretary for Economic Development with responsibility for energy – which has come to the end of a long process of consultation and joint evaluation between the MiSE and the MEF, demonstrating the importance that the GSE has in energy governance: it manages incentives for the production of energy from RES, coordinates the main mechanisms for the promotion of energy efficiency and controls public companies and entities that perform essential services for end customers and in the research sector”.

“I believe – adds Crippa – that in order to implement an ambitious programme, which makes the various investment opportunities in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sector concrete for businesses, the Public Administration and operators, there is a need for a public company at the height, which can support the Ministry of Economic Development in tackling the challenges and objectives to be achieved up to 2030 and beyond".

“To lead such a company – continued the Undersecretary – excellent management is needed and we are convinced that we have identified a group of professionals who boast important experience, both in the energy sector and in the regulatory and managerial one. In particular, Atty. Francesco Vetrò, President of the Fund for Energy and Environmental Services, whose regulatory expertise will be essential to review a series of procedural mechanisms that have worked little or badly in the recent past; Eng. Roberto Moneta, Director of the National Agency for Energy Efficiency of ENEA, for his technical and regulatory experience essential for reviewing the structures of existing and future incentive tools; Dr. Laura Bajardelli, head of the Intesa S.Paolo Group, for her experience in Business Administration and Public Management”.

"The appointments - concludes Crippa - are new lifeblood for the GSE, which will have to be a subject capable of observing and listening to the needs of operators in the world of energy, providing timely and consistent responses, facilitating the various opportunities, maintaining and consolidating its authority".
