
Corporate governance, Grieco: "We need models suitable for SMEs"

Opening the third edition of Italy Corporate Governance in the Palazzo della Borsa in Milan, the president Patrizia Grieco proposed specific governance measures suitable for the particular situation of small and medium-sized Italian enterprises

Corporate governance, Grieco: "We need models suitable for SMEs"

The third edition of the Italy Corporate Governance Conference (ICG conference) promoted by the Corporate Governance Committee and organized by Assonime and Assogestioni, in collaboration with the OECD and the support of Borsa Italiana, kicked off yesterday at Palazzo Mezzanotte. The Conference aims to offer an annual forum for discussion on the "state of the art" of corporate governance in Italy, involving leading figures from institutions and the financial community both nationally and internationally.

At the center of the debate, which will conclude today, are the crucial aspects of governance of Italian listed companies, from the relationship between the latter and institutional investors, to the responsibilities of the board of directors in the creation of long-term value for the company, to the way best to ensure that corporate governance rules are designed in compliance with the principles of flexibility and proportionality.

After the greeting of the President of Borsa Italiana Andrea Sironi, the President of the Committee for Corporate Governance and of Enel Patrizia Grieco introduced the proceedings of the conference.

"Corporate governance codes - underlined the Chairman Grieco in particular - can continue to play a crucial role in identifying the best corporate practices and keeping them updated, allowing us to face new challenges and seize the opportunities posed by the evolution of the markets of the capitals. 90% of listed Italian companies declare that they adhere to the Corporate Governance Code and the quantity and quality of the information provided on adherence to the relative recommendations is continuously increasing. The Corporate Governance Committee is evaluating the possibility of developing specific measures aimed at supporting small and medium-sized Italian listed companies in the development of corporate governance models more consistent with their relative size. We also intend to strengthen the role of sustainability, as well as the autonomy and effectiveness of the boards of directors. In particular, we are convinced that the inclusion of sustainability in corporate strategies will strengthen the competitiveness of listed companies in the long term, representing an essential tool in the overall risk management strategy".

Today, after the introduction by Raffaele Jerusalmi, CEO of Borsa Italiana, speeches by the Minister of Economy and Finance, Pier Carlo Padoan, by Tommaso Corcos, Vice President of the Committee for Corporate Governance and President of Assogestioni, Masamichi Kono, Deputy Secretary General of the OECD and the President of Assonime Innocenzo Cipolletta.
