
Grexit, every country in the eurozone must prepare for the eventuality

Eurogroup officials advise each country in the monetary union to prepare an individual contingency plan in the event Athens gives up on the euro – “Nothing has yet been prepared at the eurozone level, for fear of a flight of news”, reveals an official – Hollande denies: “I am not aware of any contingency plan”

Grexit, every country in the eurozone must prepare for the eventuality

There is growing alarmism regarding a possible exit of Greece from the Eurozone. Each eurozone country would be asked to prepare an individual contingency plan in the event that Athens leaves the monetary union. To say it, two officials of the gworking group of the Eurogroup (EWG), the technicians who prepare the meeting of European finance ministers and who sit on the board of the European Financial Stability Facility (ESFS).

The experts would have decided it during a conference call held last Monday, but it was decided not to say anything "for fear of a leak". The confirmation was allegedly received by Reuters from two officials who asked to remain anonymous and who showed journalists the document drawn up by one of the countries in the euro area. “The working group agrees that each country must develop a contingency plan, each its own, for the possible consequences of a Greek exit from the euro“said one of the two technicians. 

The document also lists the potential costs of Grexit for each member country. In the event that Greece decides to follow this path, the EU and the IMF could offer support with the aim of achieving "an amicable divorce". 

In the meantime, however, European leaders continue to declare that they will continue to do everything to keep Greece in the euro, provided it respects its commitments. Just a few minutes ago, French President François Hollande said he was unaware of an agreement between euro area countries to draw up national contingency plans in the event of Greece leaving the single currencyindeed he added: “I will do everything I can to convince the Greeks to choose to stay in the euro and to convince Europeans that they might be skeptical about the need to keep Greece in the euro”.

