
Green Pass, here's how to get it

Palazzo Chigi has launched the online platform on which to download the code, in a digital but also printable version. Here are the requirements and all the channels to obtain it, from the Immuni app to pharmacies

Green Pass, here's how to get it

Green certification, officially starting. From Thursday 17 June the Government has launched the platform for the release of the free pass, paper or digital, which in the meantime will allow you to enjoy greater freedoms on the national territory (for example, participation in events and weddings) and then from 1st July also to travel to Europe. Except for complications related to the Delta variant, which is of great concern (the Government is evaluating whether block flights to and from the UK, where the variant is spreading) and in fact the Green Pass, it was said right away, can be revoked at any time depending on the epidemiological situation. Palazzo Chigi promptly published an agile handbook on its social channels to explain concretely where and how to obtain it. Meanwhile, let's remember, they have the right the vaccinated from the 15th day after the first dose up to 270 days after the second; the healed from Covid for 180 days after recovery, swab negatives within 48 hours of the antigen or molecular test. Here are all the channels to request the Green Pass, which can be checked under any circumstances by the police and in the case of air travel, scanned at the airport upon boarding and upon arrival.


The first official channel on downloading the certification and also finding all the useful information (in addition to the toll-free number 800.91.24.91 active from 8 to 20), is the special online platform of the Government, at the address All you need is the health card number (or SPID or electronic identity card) and the code received via text message or email from the Ministry of Health (the sender's address will be which certifies the vaccination or recovery or swab negativity occurred. At that point you will get a barcode (QR Code) with a digital signature from the Ministry of Health to prevent it from being forged. The certificate can also be printed and used on paper.


Also in digital format (but once again printable) the Green Pass is obtained through the electronic health record, depending on the Region of residence. Each Region therefore has different rules and methods, so in this case it is better to consult the one of your interest at the link health


The app launched a year ago by the Conte government and which in theory should have been used to track infections, is useful for certification. After the flop of the first mission, now through the application you can receive the Green Pass directly on your mobile phone, obviously in digital format. It will soon be possible to do this also through Io, the free public services app, created by the Department for Digital Transformation, in collaboration with PagoPA.


For those who do not have the opportunity to use digital means, the Green Pass can be requested, also in this case in both paper and electronic form, also from a general practitioner, a pediatrician of free choice or at a pharmacy. It will be necessary to physically go to those places and present the health card and the tax code.
