
Green Pass: here's who it will be extended to. New rules in October

A meeting of the control room scheduled for this week which will decide rules and methods - Confindustria-Union meeting on private employees - Here are the sectors and categories affected by the extension of the green pass

Green Pass: here's who it will be extended to. New rules in October

It goes towards the extension of the green pass. Premier Mario Draghi had already anticipated it during the press conference on Thursday 2 September. Now the Government is ready to move from words to deeds and to extend the obligation of green certification to new sectors and categories. A meeting is scheduled for this week control room che will have to decide rules and methods of application. The new rules are expected to take effect in early October. 


The green pass must be extended to all workers, "to the state, to the forces of order and gradually to all the activities that involve gatherings indoors", said Walter Ricciardi, full professor of Hygiene at the Catholic University and consultant to the Minister of Greetings, Roberto Speranza.

For the moment, the first to be affected by the extension should be civil servants, but also restaurateurs, managers of gyms and swimming pools, long-distance transport workers. Instead, local public transport should be excluded from the new tightening. 


As far as the Public Administration is concerned, to date 10% of civil servants have not yet been vaccinated. In this context, Minister Brunetta is pushing for workers to return to the office, retiring them smart working in the PA. To do this, the only way seems to be to make green certification mandatory for public employees. The novelty could concern 3,2 million workers, of which 1,2 million are employees of the Public Administration. 

As revealed by Corriere della Sera, the obligation could come into force between 27 September and 4 October. "It is a license of freedom, I would extend it to the whole world of work, public and private", said Brunetta, who however will have to overcome the reluctance of the League. “An argument can only be made about those who have contact with the public,” said the leader of the Carroccio, Matteo Salvini. 


A meeting between the CGIL, CISL, UIL, Confindustria and Confapi is scheduled for the afternoon of 6 September. Central theme: trying to find an agreement on green certification. “It is the best way to avoid having to go back to closures, lockdowns, stoppages of production and social activities”. If the parties manage to come to an agreement, at the beginning of October the green pass could therefore also become mandatory for accessing the company (at the moment the obligation is only for canteens). 


Meanwhile, the third dose of the anti-Covid vaccine, at least for some categories, now seems to have become a certainty. As early as September it could be the turn of very fragile people. Subsequently, we will move on to the elderly guests of the Rse, the over 80s and healthcare personnel. 


The government does not rule out compulsory vaccination for schools. This was confirmed by the Minister of Education, Patrizio Bianchi in an interview with Sky TG24. "The government will use all the tools where necessary" to ensure the normal course of the school year after two years of distance learning, Bianchi said, clarifying that teachers without green passes will be suspended without compensation.
