
Green pass, what changes from February 1st: duration and obligation

New limitations in force from February 1st - The green certificate will be valid for 6 months and will be mandatory almost everywhere except for essential services - Fines and suspensions from work for the over 50 who are not vaccinated - Here's everything you need to know

Green pass, what changes from February 1st: duration and obligation

Tuesday 1 February is a date to be circled in red for Italians: la duration of the green pass drops 9 to 6 months after the last administration. In addition, there will be fines and suspensions from work for all over 50 who have not yet received the vaccination. And not only. Places and services where green certification is not required are reduced to a minimum. Rules already in force for other places and services for citizens, such as restaurants or transport, but which will be extended to other sectors from February, from public offices to postal and banking services to tobacconists. In the last month there have been many changes that Italians have had to deal with, many dates to remember. While awaiting the decisions of the Council of Ministers on the expiring anti-Covid measures (such as outdoor masks and the closure of discos) and new rules on quarantine, school and the color system, let's see in detail what will change from February 1st.

There are a handful of days left before the vaccination obligation for citizens over the age of 50, under penalty of sanction one-time fee of 100 euros. Anyone who hasn't undergone their first cycle is actually already late since it takes 14 days to get the green pass after the first dose. But there are still many Italians over 50 who are insensitive to the new measure: an audience of almost 1,8 million people who risk much heavier penalties from February 15, ranging between 600 and 1.500 euros if they go to work without the strengthened green pass.

Green pass valid for 6 months

The new provisions have retroactive effect. This means that from February XNUMXst, if more than six months have passed since the last administration or recovery, the green certification is automatically suspended. It is no coincidence that the Ministry of Health is currently sending e-mails or text messages to those with expiring certificates to remind them of the new duration of the green pass and the need to third dose of vaccine anti-Covid as soon as possible.

However there is a problem. It is expected that starting in March there will be the first Italians with an expired pass, despite having also taken the third dose – a fourth having not yet been authorized by the regulatory agencies Ema and Aifa – primarily for healthcare personnel. Today the government could evaluate the extension for the super green pass (third dose) until the need for a further booster is established. No decision has yet been made at the moment.

On the other hand, we must not confuse the duration of the green certification in Europe (9 months), especially after last rules: stop quarantines and tests for those with vaccine or recovery.

Green pass: how to get it?

Times change but not the ways: to get the basic green pass, all you need to do is a negative antihygienic swab (48 hours), or a molecular swab (72 hours). While the super green pass is obtained only with vaccination or healing. It should be remembered that those who have completed the first part of the vaccination cycle (first two doses) can book the third from the fourth month after the last administration, but will have to do it by the sixth to be certified.

Another matter for those who are not required to the obligation green pass: i.e. children under 12 or people who have been exempt from vaccination for health reasons.

Green Pass: where it is needed and where it is not needed from February 1st

The basic certification becomes mandatory in order to access the public offices, postal services e banking and to all commercial activities considered “non-essential”. Until June 15th to pay the bills or withdraw the pension there are no loopholes, the green pass will be needed. Also to enter clothing stores, cosmetics, tobacconists or indoor bookshops and newsagents. From January 20, at least the basics are already necessary to go to the beautician, hairdresser or barber. Same thing for entering prisons (at least for interviews).

They are excluded all those activities and services related to food, health, safety and justice needs. Therefore, it will not be necessary to access the following activities:

• Police and local police offices open to the public. For judicial offices exclusively for the undeferrable and urgent presentation of complaints by subjects who are victims of crimes or requests for judicial interventions to protect minors or persons incapable of understanding and wanting, and to allow investigative activities to be carried out for which the presence of the summoned person is required;

• Visitors in residential, social welfare, social health and hospice structures for prevention, diagnosis and treatment needs;

• Specialized and non-specialized shops with a prevalence of food and beverage products: hypermarkets, supermarkets, discount food stores, mini-markets and frozen food shops. While the wine bars where it is also possible to drink and eat are excluded;

• Gas stations: it will be possible to stock up on fuel for motorbikes and cars. The same goes for purchasing fuel for domestic use and for heating (including wood, pellets and kerosene);

• Retail sale of medicines in specialized stores: pharmacies, parapharmacies and other specialized stores of medicines not subject to medical prescription. The same goes for optical shops, specialized medical and orthopedic items shops, and sanitary items;

• Hospitals, GP's surgery or vet's. In dental offices;

• Newsagents, only if outdoors;

• In shopping centers that include different activities, it will be allowed to enter without a pass only to access essential shops: therefore you will be able to enter a shopping center freely if you are going to a pharmacy or parapharmacy housed in those premises.

In the latest decree passed by the executive it is specified that compliance with the measures is ensured by the owners of the establishments concerned and by the managers of the services through the performance of checks, even on a random basis.

Discos and outdoor masks

Once the game for the Quirinale is over, the effects of which in the majority are still to be verified, the government resumes meeting to launch, or in some cases, extend the expiring anti-Covid measures with the aim of simplifying the rules and starting the process which should lead to a normalization of Italian life. As for the outdoor mask, its probable extension until at least the end of February, if not at the end of the state of emergency. Among the urgent measures to be taken there are also school, quarantine, as well as the color system. Another theme on the table will be that of the reopening of discos: from Monday 31 January the closures imposed from the end of December for discos and dance halls will expire and they will be able to reopen their doors (perhaps) from 15 February. The bans on parties, concerts and events that generate gatherings also fall.

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