
Greece, Juncker-Tsipras: possible agreement in extremis

The president of the Commission has made a proposal to Greece to sign a last-minute agreement and the Greek premier is reportedly evaluating it. The hypothesis of a Eurogroup today

Greece, Juncker-Tsipras: possible agreement in extremis

It seemed over, but no. Not yet. A glimmer of light opens in extremis in the difficult negotiation between Greece and the EU. According to sources of the European Commission, Jean Claude Juncker, number one of the Brussels Executive, yesterday proposed to the Greek premier Alexis Tsipras a last possible solution to unblock the situation and sign an agreement a few hours before the expiry of the 1,6 euro debt billions against the IMF. 

Yesterday there was a telephone conversation between Juncker and Tsipras during which the president of the Commission illustrated to the Greek premier "the contours of a last-minute solution", so as to be able to convene today a new emergency Eurogroup which immediately allocates new help if the Greek prime minister sends written acceptance of the terms proposed by the creditors for the launch of a new aid plan.

At first, the Kathimerini newspaper wrote that Athens would have rejected the new proposal, but later a change of mind emerged from Tsipras himself, who – pushed by some members of the executive – is now evaluating the compromise hypothesis.

Juncker would also have promised a rescheduling of Athens' debt if al referendum the yeses will win and he asked the Greek premier to commit himself in this direction. "The prime minister's office communicated in Brussels that it is evaluating yesterday's new proposal from the president of the EU Commission" which includes a reduction of the debt load in October and new concessions on the front of integrations for the lowest incomes, reports the newspaper .
