
Greece: sos banks, but there is no risk Cyprus

The collapse of the major institutions on the stock market scares Athens: since Monday the National Bank of Greece and Piraeus Bank have lost more than 60% of their capitalization - Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos dismisses the specter of Cyprus: "There will be no forced levy".

Greece: sos banks, but there is no risk Cyprus

The collapse of the banks frightens Athens. According to the premier Alexis Tsipras negotiations with the former Troika are proceeding towards an agreement, yet lenders continue to retreat at a dizzying pace on the stock exchange, with falls of between 20% and 30% on a daily basis.

From Monday to today, or since the Stock Exchange reopened, the National Bank of Greece and Piraeus Bank have lost more than 60% of their capitalization. The specter that hovers, in such a context, is that of Cyprus, where in 2013, to recapitalize the banks, a forced withdrawal was made on deposits exceeding 100 thousand euros.

A specter that was decisively removed, however, by the Greek Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos: “There will be no haircut on bank deposits – he said -. Nobody wants a Cyprus bis”.

Statements echoed by those of the president of the supervisory board on the banks of the ECB, Danielle Nouy, ​​according to which the capital needs of the banks will have to be covered only through the money from the bailout of the country.

