
Greece, Renzi media between Merkel and Tsipras

Long phone call between the chancellor and the Italian prime minister, who will receive Tsipras in Rome tomorrow – Athens also gets the support of Paris and Washington.

Greece, Renzi media between Merkel and Tsipras

Yesterday afternoon the premier Matteo Renzi he had a long telephone conversation with the German chancellor Angela Merkel. According to what has been learned, the European situation was at the center of the phone call, with particular reference to the Greek crisis and its possible effects on the Union economy. Renzi, who tomorrow will meet the new Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras, would have assumed a position of mediation between the requests of Athens and the intransigence of Berlin. 

Meanwhile, yesterday the new Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis he started a tour from Paris (the next stops are London, Rome, Berlin and Frankfurt) to seek support for the request to renegotiate the Greek public debt. And on Friday he had already made it clear that he wanted to negotiate with Europe, but not with the officials of the Troika (EU, ECB and IMF), a "committee that has no reason to exist".

After the summit, his French counterpart, Michel Fir, he remarked that “Greece is in the euro and will stay there”. The minister then underlined how Athens and all of Europe have a "need of growth" and therefore of "investments", without which "it is not possible to find again" a prosperous economic activity. France has “a desire for friendship, accompaniment, trait d'union, so that Greece, which has just changed its government, may be successful – added Sapin -. It is essential that a dialogue be established with all the competent institutions so that Greece can rediscover hope and for Europe to rediscover Greece”.

Support for the positions of Athens also came from the White House: "It is not possible to continue to squeeze countries that are in the midst of the depression - the president of the United States told CNN yesterday, Barack Obama –. At some point there has to be a growth strategy that allows Greeks to pay off debts to eliminate some of their deficits. It is hard to initiate the necessary changes while people's living standards drop by 25%”.
