
Greece: one billion withdrawn from banks in one day

The Greek Central Bank did not want to comment on the new data, but on Wednesday it announced that between October 2014 and April 2015 the haemorrhaging of deposits from Greek current accounts reached the value of 30 billion euros.

Greece: one billion withdrawn from banks in one day

Only yesterday, The Greeks withdrew a billion euros from their country's banks. The sum was reported to Reuters by "three banking sources" and the news agency specifies that the flight of deposits is accelerating, to the point that between Monday and yesterday the withdrawals reached almost three billion euros, equal to approximately 2,2% of household and business deposits in the hands of Greek banks at the end of April.

“There are no queues or panic, it is a calm and gradual movement of the escape of deposits – explained one of the sources -. It is a phenomenon linked to fears about reaching an agreement between Athens and its creditors”.

The Greek Central Bank declined to comment on the new data, but on Wednesday it said that between October 2014 and April 2015 the hemorrhaging of deposits from Greek current accounts reached the value of 30 billion euros.

“Reaching an agreement with our partners – wrote the Bank of Greece – is a historic imperative that we cannot afford to ignore”.
