
Greece, Parliament approves the plan agreed with Europe but Syriza splits

During the night, the Greek Parliament approved the reform plan agreed with Europe by a large majority: green light for the VAT increase and the pension reform - There were 229 yeses, 64 nos and 6 abstentions - Syriza, Prime Minister Tsipras's party, however, split and obviously former Finance Minister Varoufakis voted against

Greece, Parliament approves the plan agreed with Europe but Syriza splits

The premier Alexis Tsipras he made it. In the night the Greek Parliament approved with a large majority (229 yes, 64 no and 6 abstentions) the reform plan agreed on Sunday with Europe. Green light therefore for the increase in VAT, the stop to tax breaks for the islands and early retirement.

Syriza, the prime minister's party, however, has split and the approval of the plan, supported by the pro-European opposition, heralds a change of majority. Syriza's majority had already voted against it in the leadership, but in Parliament the numbers were different: out of 149 MPs, about forty voted no, obviously including former finance minister Varoufakis, who was the main architect of the Greek defeat and who , in line with Scheauble, would have liked to take Athens out of the euro by returning to the drachma.

“Without your support – Tsipras told Syriza MPs – it will be difficult for me to remain prime minister: either we are united or the left-wing government falls. I assume all my responsibilities and I feel proud. We have given the world a lesson in dignity and this struggle will one day bear fruit".

The Eurogroup will meet this morning to evaluate the outcome of the vote and start the aid mechanism for Greece.
