
Greece, the two main parties have not yet found an agreement for the coalition government

No agreement has yet been reached between the major Greek parties, but Prime Minister Papandreou is confident. Meanwhile, in the morning, Greece placed half-yearly government bonds for a total of 1,3 billion euros

Greece, the two main parties have not yet found an agreement for the coalition government

Greece is not yet ready for a coalition government. In fact, the two main parties have not yet reached an agreement, according to a Greek government source. “The agreement has not yet been found but the prime minister
he seems convinced it will happen soon,” the source said on condition of anonymity.

Meanwhile Greece placed 1,3 billion euro of 6-month bonds in the morning, with a yield that remained practically unchanged compared to the previous October auction: 4,89% from the previous 4,86%.

This was communicated by Pdma, the Greek debt agency: the coverage ratio, the 'bid-to-cover', also strengthened, to 2,91 from 2,73.
