
Greece, EU Commission approves structural reforms

Brussels says it is satisfied with the ten priorities set by the Greek coalition government – ​​Last night Greek leaders agreed on a cut of 11,5 billion euros in public spending.

Greece, EU Commission approves structural reforms

“The ten priorities for Structural reforms announced today by the Minister of Development are a clear sign of the Greek government's commitment to implement the necessary reforms of the Greek economy”. Thus the European Commission declares itself satisfied with the structural measures adopted by the Athens executive and requests that they be implemented as quickly as possible. The note also states that "the pursuit of these ten priorities will be an important contribution to the broader reforms that Greece has undertaken to implement with the memorandum of understanding and which are necessary to strengthen growth and employment".

La EU Commission refers to the agreement reached by the leaders of the three parties of the Greek government coalition which provides for a cut of 11,5 billion euros in public spending. The move had been requested by the Troika (EU, ECB, IMF) as a condition for subsequent tranches of aid. However, the European consent paves the way for a possible renegotiation with the international institutions that guarantee the rescue of Athens. 

Brussels concludes by declaring that it expects “the implementation of all of Greece's reform commitments in full compliance with Union law, in particular the rules of the single market".
