
Greece in the referendum: tonight at 20 pm Italian time the Yes or No to Europe and the euro

The Greeks have been voting since this morning in the referendum on the European level and already tonight at 20 pm Italian time the eagerly awaited result will be known on which Greece's future in the euro may depend or its return to the drachma with major effects for the whole Europe and for the financial markets – In Greece, banks have liquidity only until tomorrow

Since this morning the Greeks have been voting in the controversial referendum on the European aid plan which is in reality a referendum on whether or not Greece will remain in the euro and in Europe or on its dramatic return to the drachma. The Tsipras government, which wanted the referendum and has not given up on cheap blows to impose itself, is lined up for the No to Europe, while for the Yes there are the centre-right and centre-left forces clearly inspired by Europe.

The polls, which opened this morning, will close at 18 pm Italian time and therefore, if there are no unforeseen events, the highly anticipated result will be known around 20 pm Italian time.

The whole world awaits the outcome of the popular consultation which will strongly influence the fate of Greece, starting tomorrow when the liquidity of the banks will run out, unless Brussels and the ECB decide to reopen the purse strings in the face of a result in favor of the European line.
