
Greece: agreement with creditors, aid released for 12 billion

The agreement reached by the Greek government with the EU and the IMF on measures to restore Athens' accounts allows the go-ahead for the first tranche of the third bailout plan – Greek minister Tsakalotos: “Agreement on all the main points”.

Greece: agreement with creditors, aid released for 12 billion

Unlocked a tranche from 12 billion euros for aid to Greece. This was announced by the Greek Finance Minister, Euclid Tsakalotos, explaining that Athens has achieved a agreement with the EU and the IMF on a series of measures to restore public finances. The transfer of funds will start as early as Friday.

In order to start the disbursement of aid under the third 86 billion euro bailout program, an agreement was in fact necessary between the parties on the reforms that Greece will have to implement: "We have reached an agreement on all the main points – declared Minister Tsakalotos at the end of a meeting with the representatives of the EU and the IMF -, on everything they asked of us”.
