
Great exhibitions and bestsellers of the past on FIRST Arte

The review of the great national and international exhibitions and the ninth episode of the bestsellers of the past, this time dedicated to a multifaceted personality like that of Lucio D'Ambra, are the flagship services of FIRST Arte this weekend.

Great exhibitions and bestsellers of the past on FIRST Arte

From the guide to the exhibitions not to be missed at Christmas in New York to that of famous couples at the Barbican Art Gallery in London, not to mention the great historical exhibition of Frida Kahlo at the Brooklyn Museum and the masterpieces of the Johannesburg Art Gallery – from Picasso to Warhol – exhibited until next March 3 at the Palazzo Ducale in Genoa.

There is something for all tastes in the review of the most interesting shows and exhibitions in Italy and abroad that the weekend issue of FIRST Art illustrates in great detail.

But after the exhibitions and in addition to the record-breaking auctions, another series not to be missed on FIRST Arte concerns i past bestsellers that reveal what our fathers or grandfathers read during the twentieth century. This time the art and cultural site launched by FIRSTonline tells the story and works of Lucio D'Ambra who – as the title of the article says – was, in the first decades of the last century, “much more than a writer”.

In his short life D'Ambra, pseudonym of a much grayer surname (Manganella), was in fact editor and journalist for various newspapers, poet, writer of about fifty books, author of about forty plays, scriptwriter and film screenwriter but above all he had the great merit as a critic of immediately discovering, in 1913, the genius and literary talent of Marcel Proust immediately after the release of the first volume of The Search for Lost Time
