
Great Britain, GDP down in the last quarter of 2011: -0,2%

The figure for the whole year remains positive (+0,8%) and according to the National Statistics Office the worsening is due to the effects on the British economy of the eurozone crisis – Technically the country is not yet in a recession: it will become one only after two consecutive quarters with a negative sign

Great Britain, GDP down in the last quarter of 2011: -0,2%

Britain's economy is losing steam. The contraction of GDP occurred in the last quarter of 2011 and according to the British National Statistics Office it was 0,2%, a much worse performance than the estimates, which predicted a decline, but only by 0,1%.

GDP growth for the whole of 2011 stands at +0,8%. GDP growth of 2011% was recorded in the third quarter of 0,6. Technically, the recession is defined after two consecutive quarters with a negative sign.
