
Government: trust in the Chamber, today in the Senate

After the Verdinians' farewell, the numbers at Palazzo Madama are more limited, but the majority are not afraid of tripping - Indeed, Ala's defection could allow the Government to recover some votes from the left

Government: trust in the Chamber, today in the Senate

After the House it's up to the Senate. Yesterday evening Montecitorio he voted his confidence in the Gentiloni government with 368 deputies in favor and 105 against. Today it will be the turn of Palazzo Madama, where the numbers of the majority are narrower than in the past due to the defection of the Ala MPs, who also deserted the Chamber yesterday as well as the M5S and Lega MPs. According to initial estimates, the Executive should count on 173 votes in favor against 167 against. No risk, therefore, despite the forfeit of Verdini and his 18 senators.

However, the numbers could increase along the way. The farewell to Verdi's patrol allows for a rapprochement of the government with the positions of the left, to the point that two former SEL senators, Luciano Uras and Dario Stefano, faithful to the line of Zedda and Pisapia, could also join the majority. It also seems that more consensus will come from the Gal (where only 4-5 will vote Yes) and from the Mixed group, where dozens of senators sit mostly without a party. Still others could flow from the former M5s (already 5 senators are permanently in the majority with Battista, Orellana and the three merged into the revived IDV) and from the three female senators close to Flavio Tosi.

In any case, the new government does not fear tripping and has already officially taken office with the passing of the bell between Renzi and the new Premier, who presided over the first council of ministers after being sworn in at the Quirinale. Eighteen ministers, of which 12 from the past executive confirmed.
